City of Marlborough should be ashamed of itself

I remember reading the original newspaper post a fee months back when the town confiscated this persons legal property on a very flimsy excuse. Looks like the politicians are all covering their asses now, afraid to admit they made a huge mistake.

Victor Deeb should be congratulated and encouraged for promoting science at a grass-roots level (well OK, he had some commercial interest too – but since when is being a garage entrepreneur against the law?), and the Marlborough town know-nothings are trying to stop him! What type of message does this send to parents that might have bought a chemistry set for their kids? Heck, I made all sorts of “nasty” stuff as a kid and it was a great learning experience. Would I be in jail these days?

Particularly here in Mass where we have lots of biotech, science, etc., companies and just a few world class universities…

My verdict (of course based only on what I read): Return all of Mr. Deeb’s stuff, and the town managers buy a chemistry kit for EVERY 6th grader in town for Christmas this year to encourage people to play with chemicals!

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Tuesday, November 11th, 2008 Frustration, Uncategorized