PMAS installation

The awesome folks over at Process Software made me a super great offer to continue using  their PreciseMail Anti-Spam Gateway on my new server.  In addition to my own website I’m hosting mail lists for a number of clubs (at no charge) as there just aren’t a lot of good email list solutions (with reasonable anti spam) out there for small groups that need to communicate to their membership (I run mailman).

So I’ve scrapped my attempts on the other things which were ASSP: looks like it would do what I want but way too complex for a part time/limited admin skill person to figure out, and Maia: not currently maintained and limited documentation, as well as not clear how it could be trained with no actual mailboxes on the system.

Installation only hit one little snag, my CentOS 7 system doesn’t have many 32 bit libs installed and the PMAS install needs some. If you get errors just add the missing packages and rerun the installer.



Sunday, November 13th, 2016 Linux